This page is dedicated to Aurora Tjets, Vibes, Cigarbox cars and other manufacturer bodies from that era that were meant to mount on a tjet chassis.  This is by no means meant to be a definitive library but rather cars that I have or have had over time.  The size of the images are suitable for desktop screen backgrounds.  All images are copyrighted by Bob Mauge and may only be used for personal use and enjoyment.

Each Thumbnail will open a new window so that you can see more of the image.  I originally had the image open within the frames but then your field of view was severely diminished by the left, top and bottom frames. In my test, I did not close the window after the first image opened it.  I toggled back to the window running Crimsonbard and clicked on a different thumbnail and it displayed the image in the original window that was opened by the first thumbnail.

Aurora Cigar Box Cougar Aurora Fairlane
Aurora 69 Camaro Aurora Firebird
  Aurora 68 Red Charger
Aurora 68 Red Charger Aurora 68 Red Charger
Aurora Excellerator Willys Aurora Wild ones Willys