"Catch a Fallen Star" by Bob Mauge Copyright 2002
Archive Page 5
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist |
Vivace | Instruments of Classical Music: Harpsichord | No Artist |
For many people, classical music is considered boring and old. That may be the case for some but much of it is lively and intensely detailed. I have a particular affinity for the Harpsichord probably because it invokes the feeling of being in another time some much more that any other instrument. I also love the intricacies of Baroque music which often features the Harpsichord. | ||
Album Links | ||
BUY: Unleashed Memories | Amazon: Instruments...Harpsichord CD |
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They spent quite a bit of time in the store while Keldrid carefully examined all the different figurines and tested each one that he intended to purchase. Meanwhile Thelonius spoke further with Lourense elaborating a little on the process of sculpting in stone and explaining how to tell the magical sculptures from plain artistic works. Thelonius picked up 2 identical figurines from 2 separate tables and handed them to Lourense. Lourense immediately smiled and brought the one in his right hand closer to his face for a better look. He said excitedly, “I feel a tingle of energy from this one that the other lacks! Now I can tell the difference” Thelonius smiled as Lourense touched a figuring from each table to determine where he should place each piece. Lourense also noted that the tables that contained the magical figurines were red and trimmed with gold. To the average customer the contents of the 2 tables looked the same except for the price, which was at least 20 times more for the magical items. They continued following Keldrid around the shop and Lourense saw that the array of beasts was quite impressive. Lourense made note of those selected by Keldrid so as not to be surprised again when they should be activated. When they were done, the storekeeper invited them to dine and only as they retreated to the rear courtyard, did Lourense notice that the store had been closed for the day. This explained the lack of customers throughout the afternoon and shed more light on the significance of the buyer.
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist |
New Years Day | War | U2 |
I am sure that most of you are familiar with U2 especially from their more recent albums so today's selection should not be too much of a surprise. I have selected this track because it is U2's earliest works that had the most passion and angst. I miss that EDGE (so to speak) but I guess it is hard to maintain that sense of hopelessness when you now can have almost anything you want. U2 took an awful turn late in their careers and either became full of themselves or started parodying stardom which in my opinion did not work. I think they are finally back on the right track, I hope so. U2 if you're out there and reading, I'd like to request a lot more EDGE to your non-balad rock tunes. | ||
Album Links | ||
BUY: War | Amazon: War |
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They exited the dimly lit building into bright sunlight. This took as much to get used to as it did when entering the building. The courtyard was filled with flowering plants, trees, herbs and spices, that produced a strong heady aroma which competed with a multitude of sounds from the birds, insects and running stream. The sheer opulence of the space had a dreamlike quality to it and Lourense began to wonder if the effect was natural or caused by narcotics or sorcery. In the center of the courtyard was a large table that could seat 12. It was set for 3 and had enough food lain out to feed 3 times that. The host motioned the men to be seated and a servant arrived with cold citrine juice. Thelonius was the first to speak; “Lourense, I did not mean to brush off your inquiry, I just wanted to dispense with business so that we could talk in a more relaxed and pleasant environment. I must also admit that I was quite excited to show my dear friend Keldrid , some of my latest creations. In answer to your question, yes I do craft these creatures and some can take as much as 3 months to complete with the average being 1 month.
Lourense was anxious to lean more and continued with another question. “how long have you been doing this and why did you choose this for a profession?” Thelonius’ brow furled a bit as he thought about why he had chosen this as a profession. It was not a question that he had ever been asked before and after doing this for so many years, one begins to believe that it has always been so. After a few moments Thelonius responded, “I have been crafting guardians for almost 40 years now and I happened to fall into it out of necessity. When I was young, very much like you are today, I too was an apprentice to a sorcerer. I was well along in my training when the Truene conflict was at its peak and my teacher was called to serve. Part of our preparation for battle was to construct a number of these for protection. It took us almost 2 months and much energy to produce a dozen basic war dogs, but during that process I found that I had a real gift for crafting. You see the best sorcerers have acute abilities in discipline, organization, memorization and dexterity but there generally is no need for artistic skills. I am drawn to the creative processes usually associated with the fine arts such as sculpting and that is where I excel. My imagination and creativity allow me to craft better and more fantastic guardians setting me apart from other sorcerers; however, it comes at the expense of speed and dexterity. I would probably lose most one on one duels without my guardians.” Keldrid, quickly interjected, “Lourense, don’t let Thelonius’ modesty fool you, in battle he is definitely a force to be reckoned with. You see, I know since we have fought side by side on numerous occasions.” Thelonius’ feeling a little embarrassed. interjected, “Now Keldrid, let us not bore Lourense with inflated tales of grandeur, how about you fill me in on your latest enterprise. Surely you did not come all this way for nothing?”
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist |
Running Up That Hill | Hounds Of Love | Kate Bush |
Kate Bush is a musical artist. I describer her that way because her live shows are ballet style choreographed works and some of her earliest works have an eccentric tone to the lyrics an vocals. She is very entertaining and has a melodic voice. Unfortunately she has not produced anything since 1993. Kate, we miss you and hope to hear from you soon. | ||
Album Links | ||
Buy: Hounds Of Love
| Amazon: Hounds Of Love |
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“My dear Thelonius, since when did you take up deductive reasoning”, Keldrid said with a hint of sarcasm. “Do you remember the Star of Rijel story? I have uncovered some information that leads me to believe that it is more than just a myth!” Thelonius laughed heartily, “Oh Keldrid, you and I have an awful lot in common since you have as vivid an imagination as I, only I know what is fantasy and you, alas, do not” Lourense, broke his silence, “Master Thelonius, how could you say that without hearing the details?” Keldrid was surprised by Lourense’s defense but felt more confident that his choice of protégé was a sound one. “My comments were not derogatory, they were just meant to gently peak the ire of a good friend. Since we have been friends for so many years, I am very aware of Keldrid’s successes and his Failures.” Lourense was embarrassed to have missed the jest amongst friends and added, “I’m sorry, Thelonius, I did not mean disrespect, I just have always been taught to give people the benefit of the doubt until reality proves otherwise.” “That’s quite alright, Lourense, there was no offense taken. I agree with you and am pleased that you honor your parents well. Keldrid would you care to elaborate on why you think the Star of Rijel is reality?” “Now Thelonius,” Keldrid smiled, seeing an opportunity to return the jest, “You are right, I have let my imagination get the better of me, thank you for opening my eyes. I guess I will not be needing the array of expensive guardians any more.” Lourense noted with amusement that Thelonius’ face suddenly went slack and he paled at the thought of losing such a significant sale. There was a long silence. With sudden laughter, Keldrid, broke the silence. “My good Thelonius, has it been that long since we last saw each other, the look on your face was priceless. When have you ever known me to take the side of reason?” Thelonius agreed, “You have never been one to follow reason but whether you realize it or not, there is much about you that is different. I remember someone not long ago who would have never bothered to take on an apprentice and all the work and responsibility that goes along with one. More importantly, this very same sorcerer would have never admitted that he could use any improvement in the arcane arts.” Keldrid was surprised by the observation but conceded, “Point well taken, my dear friend.” Keldrid raised his glass as he spoke and the others joined in the oath. “To close friendship, wisdom and the quest for the extraordinary”
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist | All Along The Watchtower | Kiss the Sky | Jimi Hendrix |
For many of the older rock fans, Jimi Hendrix is considered one of the greatest guitarists of all time. He had a distinctive blues tinged playing style that was often overshadowed by his wild lead solos. His singing voice was pretty darn good too. | ||
Album Links | ||
Buy: Best Of Hendrix | Amazon: Best Of Hendrix |
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Keldrid emptied his cup and proclaimed, “Enough banter, we must be going soon. Let us eat and I will fill you in on some of the information that I have.” The three men ate and drank heartily for some time while Keldrid intertwined clues and legends with his meal. Thelonius asked, “Lourense, have you not heard of the Star of Rijel?” “No I haven’t, my village was rather isolated” Thelonius smiled, leaned back, and settled into his story telling mode, “Well, the legend has it that the Star of Rijel was originally part of the constellation of the same name. Long ago during the great celestial convergence, the Star was knocked from the sky and came hurtling to earth. The impact shook the earth and sent enough ash and debris into the sky to darken the world for millennia. Earthquakes, volcanos and tidal waves followed laying waste to an already devastated world. Over time, many species became extinct and human kind almost did as well. We know these things because a number of historical texts and documents have survived.” Thelonius sipped his drink and continued, “The most fascinating and significant changes involved the emergence of magic and the other races of beings and creatures that comprise our world now. Scholars have many theories about this but they cannot agree on the reason. Some believe the Gods sent the Star of Rijel to earth to wipe out or diminish mankind’s presence. They feel that it was punishment for the atrocities that man has perpetrated upon the world. Others take a more scientific approach and there are two primary schools of thought. The most popular theory is that since many of the dominant species were diminished so severely, the numerous fringe species were now given equal footing to grow and thrive. The other theory is that the new life forms were brought here by the Star and flourished in our environment.” |
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist | Bei Mir Bist Du Schon | 50th Anniversary | Andrews Sisters |
Here is a song that many of you heard at one time or another, most likely in an old movie or piece on nostalgia. The Andrews Sisters really had wonderful harmony and one cannot help but feel nostalgic when listening to their music, even if you were only born yesterday. | ||
Album Links | ||
Buy: Best of the Andrews Sisters | Amazon: Best Of The Andrews Sisters |
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Lourense sat quietly as he digested this incredible information and Thelonius continued. “I personally feel,” added Thelonius, “that it is a combination of theories that explain our world as it is. While I am no scientist or religious scholar, I can see how the Gods, were they to take an interest, would be able to bring about these changes but the scientific theories do not adequately explain the emergence of magic. I have studied our prehistory extensively and there is no mention of any magical abilities. I believe that, if the Gods were not involved, the Star carried the catalyst for the changes we see or the impact released something from within the earth. In any case the event brought about great changes for our world.” Thelonius smiled and said, “That is the history of the Star but the legend of its power stems from a mix of historical assumptions. It is believed that anyone who possesses the star will become a God with unimaginable power because the Gods sent the Star and the Star exacted the changes. Do you see how the theological and scientific theories were blended together to create the legend of its power?” Thelonius quickly added, “No one has ever found the Star to prove or disprove the legend.” Lourense had many questions for Thelonius and the three men spent much of the time discussing alternate theories. The day progressed and Keldrid indicated that it was time to leave. Thelonius bid them stay the night but Keldrid was anxious to move on.
Song Of The Day | ||
Song Title | Album | Artist | Magnum Opus | Left Overture | Kansas |
Here is another piece of nostalgia but not as far back as the Andrews Sisters. The album Left Overture was probably Kansas' best efforts. It has a grand ethereal feel and the stereo imaging is full and airy unlike many cd's which almost sound monaural. | ||
Album Links | ||
Buy: Best of Kansas | Amazon: Left Overture |
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Thelonius extended his hand first to Keldrid and then to Lourense and added, “Well if you must leave, please come back soon and plan to stay for a while. As Always it has been a pleasure Keldrid, and may good fortune finally shine upon you young Lourense.” Lourense shook Thelonius’ hand firmly and responded, “Thank you for your gracious hospitality Master Thelonius and maybe one day you could teach me your craft when I’m ready” “I would welcome that,” replied Thelonius. Keldrid concluded by saying, “Well Thelonius I must admit, I never thought you could ever improve on your craft but your recent work is an inspiration. When a master can outdo himself to such an extent then so could we all. I now have a very high standard to live up to” with that, Keldrid embraced his old friend, and then mounted Kriszgarn. Lourense bowed slightly and shook Thelonius’ hand one last time before joining Keldrid.